The top 10 lessons I’ve learned in 2014

During this part of the year when we use to think over and define new goals and objectives, I am taking advantage of my divergent passion of writing (some times I have a lot of interest on doing it, sometimes I don't. Right now I do) to recap the 10 biggest lessons that I learnt on 2014 (which in my case, is actually the best year that I ever have so far).

1. There is always an opportunity for improving and growing. 

Why? This year I figured out from many sources that we are coded by default on a shortage mind culture (limited resources) and if we want to succeed, we have to broke this paradigm daily. Over the history, the icons that were able to make historical milestones and change the course of humanity, demonstrate that they can go farther and actually when that happen, other followers achieve the same. So.. Of course we can go farther! The main barrier are ourselves. 
On a personal perspective, this lesson also remembers me that I am not perfect, that this is good and that in fact, many of the lessons that I will share here are still a work in progress for me (even that I'm sharing them, I'm still working on them as well) 

Is gratifying to remember that last year I was thinking exactly the same about 2013 (at that time, that was my best year) and this kind of situations make us though about if we have reach our limit or if we can go farther. 

2. Planing does work but it is not rigid and perfect
At the end of 2013, I publish a framework that helped me planing and executing last years goals. However, the most important fact of planing is to follow that plan up, understanding that everything is not going to happen as we expected. Recently, somebody told me that our goals are not bigger that our dreams which means that even that we can plan and program and ambitious objective/goal that maybe was partially achieved or wasn't achieved at the end, this is not bad at all and it must not be trigger for frustration. On the contrary, we must take this as an opportunity to redefine and adjust our plan. The world is dynamic and our goals and objectives are the same. 

3. To give and to travel are the real forms of wealth
The tittle speaks by itself. This year I learn't that there are 8 different forms of wealth and the money is only one of those 8 and this is completely aligned with all of those chances that I have on 2014 related with helping others and travelling. Is it really valuable to link our wealth with only money? How happy are we if we have a higher number in a intangible bank account if we are not using it for deeply purposes?

4. True wisdom stands on prudence
By nature I am imprudent and in 2014 in particular I start to notice the negative consequences of it. I am really committed this year in improve this aspect.

5. It's time for health 
Without effort, this year I receive tons of message (by friend books, even presentations) of the importance of health and how health is related to success, wealth and of course longevity. Taking into account that I am pursuing this 3 aspects in my life, I'm still doing an important effort to improve my health, understanding that is not only exercise but also the importance of eat good and healthy food (this is where I do really have to improve)  

6. Family and friends at first
As long as we advance in our personal projects, we use to lose contact with our beloved ones. I'm still looking for ways and mechanisms that allow me to keep a valuable and strong connection with them and in fact, this is one of my 2015 goals.  

7. It's me Against Myself 
This is my box (I do crossfit) slogan and it summarize in a simple way that the most important thing in self-development is self-awareness. We use to compare against others and the real challenge that we should be working on is to define and execute small and consistent steps that allow us to be better and better. 

8. Listen, Listen, Listen
As I mentioned before most of this lessons are work in progress for me and this is one of them. Last year I learnt the the most influential people and great leaders listen 4 or 5 minutes for each minute that they talk (I'm quite the opposite).  
9. It's impossible to please everyone
If you are spending your time trying to please everyone, you are giving more importance of how others want you to be than what you really want from you. Anyway, if someone wants to give you feedback, apply the last lesson (#8) and be open to learn. People who really care for you would give you feedback.

and one more thing... small but consistent steps
This is the real meaning of life. Is like a long long race, where the winner is not the one who start faster but the one who keeps a consistent rhythm. If you want to start like Usain Bolt, you could be giving up after the first 300mts. 

Happy 2015 for everyone! 


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