Practical Book Review: The Art of Possibility. Supporting Idea #6 - Don't take yourself so serious

Continuing with my own review of the supporting ideas described in the Art of Possibility, this week's supporting idea is the #6. Don't take yourself so serious

Based on the fact that we (as human beings) trend to measure everything (based on a scarcity thinking) and as a consequence, we also trend to push ourselves while promoting stress and nonconformity thoughts day by day.

And what can we do to avoid this negative behavior? As easy as it sounds in the tittle of this supporting idea, we should not take ourselves so serious. I know it sounds obvious but even with that, most of us have a hard time trying to do it. What I've learned is that  the first baby step in this initiative is to smile. I encourage you to set it as a daily goal to remember to yourself that even in the toughest time, you can find an space to smile to yourself or to another person.

Another simple but powerful daily exercise is to remind to yourself at night (better if it is before you start sleeping) at least 3 things to be grateful for the day that has passed away. This daily ritual allow us to notice everyday's bright-side.

In case that you didn't have the chance of watch Disney's Lion King (and even if you did), I encourage you to listen this song carefully. Disney use to have a magic touch of delivering powerful messages with their movies and songs (unfortunately, sometimes we are not aware of those powerful messages)

Have an amazing rest week!

If you want to read the book by yourself, try this link: You can also check other segments of this review at: This Link


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