Beware of the empty wins

A few days ago, I was looking for a car wash with some sort of urgency, because after a long trip that we had with my girlfriend, the car put a little bit dirty. After a few attempt's, I finally  locate one, at a parking lot of a building where I was going to have a meeting with a customer. There, the service is provided by Julio (A person that I perceived as  humble, honest and a good worker).

After I came back to pick up my car, I saw a scratch that I haven't see before at the front-right side of the car, (a small one actually) and  I ask him for it, since that scratch was not there. He started behaving prevented and in some manner rude, arguing that the scratch was there when he received the car. I stayed calm and I talked to her manager (by phone) because he suggested that. After I explain the situation to her, she told me that we should meet next day in person, and she also mention that Julio was not authorized to drive customer's cars (and in this case, he did).

At night, I start thinking in "what if" situations and, I took a moment to double check the scratch. After I notice that it could be hidden with a rubbing compounds, I called again Julio's manager requesting to cancel the meeting, and also her bank savings account number in order to pay for the service (I didn't pay at that time waiting to talk with the manager). In exchange, I requested her to avoid any disciplinary action against Julio. 

Why? Well, not only because the scratch was really insignificant, but also because I figure out that even if the manager agreed to pay, not pay, or pay part of the painting of the car piece, in all the cases Julio will be affected. Maybe it could be also be fired because he was not authorized to drive my car

This situation make me apply one lesson that I recently heard. In some cases you can win a dispute but, if you are not considering the other person's perspective, it could be an empty win. To be more specific, I could have gained a brand new painting of one of my car's pieces at no cost (looking almost as it is right now), but affecting other human being life in the other hand. Was this case worth it? From my perspective, no. 

For that reason, I encourage to apply this humble concept in your life.  Any action that we perform as humans generate as well a reaction. What kind of reactions do you want to create?


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