How to Plan your 2014? - A practical guidance

The new year is seen as a time of rebirth , reflection and renewal. In fact, it is a custom to use this time to define the goals and objectives of that year that is beginning . Is this bad? - Not at all ! Having a time of reflection and projection is always a good thing. However, the real challenge is to maintain and persist with that initiative during the entire 365 days of the year. 

I (like many), use to define new goals and objectives at this time . But I am also considering (product experience different workouts , exercises and conversations with others ) some improvements that I'd like to share for those who want to use them. In addition, I designed a simple template to apply them that I also like to share ( Maybe someone works for you ) .

Before that, I would like to list some of the main ideas that I have been collecting and using to complement traditional planning . Although the are simple and logical ideas ( when you read them you might think that they are obvious ) very few people apply them, and there's where lies the difference between an executor and a planner:

  • 1. Put your goals in a visible place: Visualize your goals periodically will allow you to remember and keep the focus on achieve them. 99 % of people that define new year's goals, store and forget them after 6 weeks. How will you execute your plan without even knowing what did you plan? . Although you may or may not consider the other tips, with this one you will achieve a successful planning (On 2013, I just did this and I can happily say that this year I managed to meet ALL my goals ) .
  • 2. Set a few goals: Successful people use to define few (in quantity ) but huge (in magnitude) goals, and also use to persist ( with small but consistent steps) until their execution. Just like the Tortoise and the Hare fable. Personally, I use to define between 8 and 12 ( 2 to 3 per dimension).
  • 3. Balance your goals: Goals should not be focused on one particular dimension. Humans are emotional, intellectual , spiritual and physical beings and our goals should be balanced in these four dimensions.
  • 4. Avoid goals based on material achievements: Things like winning X amount of money, a salary raise , a job promotion, are consequences of the goals defined and shouldn't be goals in themselves. Try to raise your goals to an upper level.
  • 5. Share your goals: Share your goals to your closest friends and relatives. This create an unconscious commitment to achieve them because (sooner or later) they will be asking for them.
  • 6. Complement your goals with your "Giant Why" and your "Everest" : The "Giant Why" stands for the main reason that motivates you to execute all your goals, and in some manner, is yours life meaning. The "Everest" in the other hand stands for how you visualize yourself in 25 years. Define these two take time.
  • 7. Complement your goals with your "Gift" and your "Personal Statement": Identify the quality or qualities that makes you different and will help you to achieve your goals (One thing you do really well). In addition, try to complement your gift with a phrase that motivates you to achieve your goals.
  • 8. In addition to the goals, define your year's habits ( TO- DO): The TO -DO are these simple daily activities that will enable you to advance in your goals execution. Things like reading, working out, avoiding gossip and even pray, could fit in this section. I suggest not to list more than 5.
  • 9. Also, define the habits you want to avoid during the next year ( NOT- TO- DO): Unlike TO-DO's The NOT- TO -DO's are those habits that you have, but you know that they will not help you to meet your goals. Like TO-DO's 5 are enough. As humans, at some point we could stop making a TO -DO and tempted to make a NOT- TO -DO and that is not bad. But while you keep them in your mind all the time, you will be able to measure how consistent are you behaving with your plan.
  • 10. Try to include all these tips into a single set. The best things are the simplest ones, and the idea is to keep this exercise simple
  • And one more thing ! - When you think about your goals, your TO -DO's and your NOT- TO -DO's, avoid using the words "I should " and use words like "I will", and "I must". "Should" generates an unconscious impulse that invites you to not do it, while you perceive it as optional and not mandatory.
Thinking in applying all these ideas that I've learnt, I designed this simple template to plan next year. Although it is just an idea , I hope you find it useful in some way.

Happy new year to all of you!


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