Priorities. The base of time management

After a short think over that I did about the different personal and professional ventures that I started this year, I finally decide to put on hold a post graduate program that I have been taking. Even that it wasn't an easy decision, for some reason some many "argues" came from nowhere just when I start feeling that this study was not giving me what I was expecting of it.

As a consequence of this decision, I recover my Friday afternoon and Saturday morning schedule (at that time I use to have class) and, taking advantage of the discipline that I gain to wake up early on Saturday, I start to retake breakfasts meetings with an important friend and colleague that invite me to participate in a business idea that he has.

On the first session, during the conversation that we were having, my friend told me that even that this business idea wasn't looking for taking part of my workday schedule, it must be an important priority and then, he share an interesting though about time management, quoting: "...Time is not linear, and rather than we try to make it linear is impossible to accomplish it... For example, if you receive a call today from my mom telling me that my father suffered a hearth attack, I won't say her, oh! let me check my schedule to see if I can visit him.. Time management is based on our priorities"

Besides this powerful statement, I link it with the adjustments that I was making in my life, that allow me to build 4 powerful ideas that I want to share with you:
  • To adopt a new habit or start a new venture, is not enough to schedule it, you must prioritize it! How many time have you put an alarm to go to the gym early in the morning without any success? As long at it is not a priority in your life, your agenda wont be helpful
  • In order to prioritize,  you have to simplify, less is more! As long as I have empathized in the importance of defining a few goals and objectives to make them achievable, the priorities that we define should apply this same principle. In fact, I suggest to define priorities in 4 aspects of our lives (and maximum 3 in each aspect): Personal, Professional, Intellectual Spiritual. 
  • Priorities are dynamic: Unlike the goals and objectives, priorities change often and this isn't wrong. The important fact is to understand why they are changing and think over the convenience of those changes.
  • And one more thing, priorities should be aligned with our objectives and vice versa: Even that it sound obvious is important to be aware of this important principle. When we evaluate our priorities and objectives simultaneously, we can identify the coherence and alignment between our action plan and our life philosophy (our Everest,  our long term purpose) 
In the meanwhile, the postgraduate program is not a priority in my life so I am opening my mind, body and spirit to focus on other important aspects and priorities for me. What are your priorities right now?

Have an amazing week. 


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