Watching the world through the digital window

Vatican City in 2 different years and events
During the Latin American congress of the banking industry that I attended (CL@B), I got the chance of learn about the different trends and challenges of the financial industry in this part of the world, from a technology perspective and of course, one of the main topics was related with mobility. Even that this topic was developed from a business perspective, most of the speakers share an important number of critical facts related with the current behavior of the society based on our habits. 

The most shocking fact for me was related with how many times and average Smartphone user watch the screen of his/her device in a day... 10 times, maybe 20 or 50? No, 200! If we split that amount in an average active 16 hours that we have in a day, we are talking about 12 times and hour, which means that every 5 minutes we are watching the Smartphone screen. 

Even that the technology is opening a huge amount of information while it connects us with new cultures, individuals and contexts, what would be the limit that we should define over the adoption of this devices in our personal time and (as a consequence) in our life?  In my personal opinion, I think that we should start taking consciousness of this phenomenon that is becoming part of our daily habits without even noticing it. Actually, I consider that all of us in the future (specially when we had the age crisis), we will regret for all the time that we invest in that "silly screens" instead of enjoying our environment and moments. 

As an active reader of authors that promote the leadership and the misnamed self-improvement business, I have notice that right now, most of them use to suggest  to avoid all electronic devices at least 1 day per week. In fact, I recently read and article about the last interview of Steve Jobs, where he mentioned that none of his children have used an iPad and that the use of any electronic device at his house (even the apple devices) was prohibited.

Even that this is just an emerging trend, I invite you to be aware of it. I really hope that in the future, we won't behave as it is illustrated in Wall-e (A movie created by Steve Job's studio - Pixar)

As always, thanks for reading! 


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