How to Plan your 2014? - A practical guidance

The new year is seen as a time of rebirth , reflection and renewal. In fact, it is a custom to use this time to define the goals and objectives of that year that is beginning . Is this bad? - Not at all ! Having a time of reflection and projection is always a good thing. However, the real challenge is to maintain and persist with that initiative during the entire 365 days of the year. I (like many), use to define new goals and objectives at this time . But I am also considering (product experience different workouts , exercises and conversations with others ) some improvements that I'd like to share for those who want to use them. In addition, I designed a simple template to apply them that I also like to share ( Maybe someone works for you ) . Before that, I would like to list some of the main ideas that I have been collecting and using to complement traditional planning . Although the are simple and logical ideas ( when you read them you might...