It only takes... a song!

As part of my personal goals for this year, I'm trying to improve my "organized skills". To be honest, since my childhood this hasn't been one of my qualities and at that time the excuse was that as a Child I had the right to be disorganized but in the past few years the excuse was just a matter of time "I don't have enough time".

All this introduction is oriented to analyze that last quote "I don't have enough time". How many times we repeat this sentence to ourselves? This new era of technology, telecommunications and mobility has been performing significant improvements in terms on time but in contrast, we have increased our complaint of how short is everyday and the things that we are unable to do because we don't have enough time.

Applying one of the most important lessons learnt on 2013, I tried to start with small but constant habits oriented to be more organized. To be more specific, I start doing my bed all days (yes! last year I didn't make my bed) and I am trying to organize my bedroom's desktop and my clothes as well. To print a little bit of fun to this new habit, I start playing music at the morning after I took my shower and until I left my house and for some reason, I figure out that when music starts, it only takes a song or lees to make the bed and to clean the desktop.

Even if this could be perceived as a silly analysis, it supports an interesting and deep though: If it only takes a song to improve our skills, why aren't we able to do it? Why we just complain about the time that we got everyday and use it as an excuse to stop doing things? Most of use use to invest precious hours of our day watching TV, using our mobile phone (chatting, navigating and using the social networks) and sleeping so , why don't we try to implement a new habit that could improve our skills while it takes only "one song" of our time everyday? Think about it!


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