Practical Book Review: The Art of Possibility. Supporting Idea #4

Continuing with my own review of the supporting ideas described in the Art of Possibility, this week's supporting idea is the #4. Be a Contributor

Most of us must accept that we live or have lived a society life. With this concept I mean that we live according to the guidelines that our society and our family told us to live. For that reason we start and finish our school and high school studies and them we find a job or start a college degree that will help us to find a better job. What really a few do (some in an earlier stage than others), is to take conscience of this and to move outside this "society path" to live the life that they really want to life. 

To be honest, this isn't an easy task and actually requires to develop the self-awareness skill. In order to provide a specific tool to improve this skill, the book's authors propose a simple but useful approach that is based on an adjustment to your mindset: Perceive yourself as a Contributor. 

To understand what would be our "personal path", we should start noticing that we came to this world to accomplish a mission and to share experiences with others. Based in these 2 statements, be a Contributor mix both of them in a single concept that invite us to adjust our daily mindset by focusing our daily tasks in promoting and contributing the development and the goal achievements of the rest of the human beings

Before we start trying to change the world, we must remember (as I have mention in other posts) that the biggest achievements belong to small but daily and consistent tasks, so you could start trying to contribute in your inner circles (help your parents, your sister, or any other family member to accomplish their goals, or maybe support one of your friend's with something he/she needs) and then, you could start identifying how can you help others while you work and also in other daily tasks. 

Regarding your work, one single but also powerful exercise is to think beyond your company's role, and identify how you are helping your customers (or your company's customers) at this position. Remember that you don't need to be a manager accomplish this, as it is described in the Leader who had no tittle (one of my favorites books, which I also review in the past)

Have an amazing week!

If you want to read the book by yourself, try this link: You can also check other parts of this review at: This Link


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