Practical Book Review: The Art of Possibility. Supporting Idea #1 y #2

Trying to diversify my blog posts based on another material that has inspired me in the last months, I would like to share with you one of the greatest book that I've read last year. This book came to me by "accident" (I actually believe that everything happens for a reason) when one of my peers of the company that I was working for, talk about it.

I not only feel connected with this books tittle " The Art of Possibility "(Art + Possibility in a single title is a really amazing word-mix to create a motivational quote), but also for the authors (this is the first book that I read that has been written by a married couple) and the practical supporting ideas that they share based on their own life experience.

In order to share these supporting ideas with an intention, I will post weekly 1 or 2 of them with some ideas of how we can apply them so let's get started!

Supporting idea #1 and #2 - "It's all invented anyway" and "move beyond the world of measurement" 
In this first part of the book, authors invite readers to accept the world as it is. In fact, they share with different argues and real situations how at the end of the day, reality is just a limited distortion that our brain creates over the unlimited universe that surround us.

I know that the term unlimited could create an uncomfortable feeling to some of us but this is actually the strong consideration that the authors want to share with us: As human beings, we use to think based on limitations but human evolution has been teaching us day by day, that there is always new to achieve, to learn, or to develop. Everything is impossible until someone demonstrate that it is possible Them, we accept it as part of our reality but ironically, we keep our limited resources based thoughts.

Put into action
Taking into account that this is the beginning of the book the best way to apply this supporting ideas is with the simple fact of accepting them. During the next days, try to change your mindset when you think or say things like "It's impossible", "I can't", with statements like "How can I make it happen?", "What needs to be done in order to achieve it?".

Trying to put this suggestion with a simpler (and deeper at the same time) advice, just ASK. The first limitation that we use to put on everything is based on our own assumptions so just ASK yourself if there's another way to do it or ASK others for help and feedback.

If you want to read the book by yourself, try this link:

As always, feel free to share this post to your friends and share your opinion of it.


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