Practical Book Review: The Art of Possibility. Supporting Idea #3

Continuing with my own review of the supporting ideas described in the Art of Possibility, this weeks supporting idea is the #3. Giving an A

Based on the basics of supporting ideas #1 and #2, the authors describe how we use to measure people's development and how this interferes when you want to draw their highest potential. This cultural behavior starts at school when teachers measures our development based on grades.

As a teacher, the author explains how he decided to test a different approach with one of his class. At the beginning of  the class, he told everybody that they will receive an A (Highest note at that academy) at the end of the class with just one condition: Each student will write a letter at the end of the class, explaining why they deserve that grade. During the rest of the chapter, the author share some of the students letters while he describe how this successful approach not only draw the highest potential of all the class but also how most of them elevate their gratefulness and confidence level.

Put into action
If you manage a team, just find the best way to give them the "A" taking into account that at the end, to give an A is to demonstrate how much you trust in them. It could be with a simple conversation and also I could evolve in initiatives that other companies such Google, 3M, Apple and GE are performing with their employees, giving them time to develop their skills and to work in innovation and personal projects during business hours.

You also should check if you are giving yourself an A in your day by day duty. Sometimes, we push ourselves so much and actually this is one of the supporting ideas that will be described over the next weeks.

If you want to read the book by yourself, try this link:


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