Practical Book Review: The Art of Possibility. Supporting Idea #5 - Leading from any chair

Continuing with my own review of the supporting ideas described in the Art of Possibility, this week's supporting idea is the #5. Leading from any chair.

In my personal opinion, this supporting idea is oriented to provide two different types of practical advices, depending on the role that you play at in your organization (or in any dimension of your personal life):
  1. If you are a team leader: Leading based on different perspectives
  2. If you are not a team leader: Perform and exercise leader activities, even without having a manager title.
Leading  based on different perspectives invites team leaders to manage his/her team based on the vision, objectivity and opinion of all the team members. Even if this concept sounds quite obvious,  there is a highlighted trend on team leaders and managers that use to apply their "power" in an authoritative manner, turning it in a stubbornness state that locks the construction of a high performance team, based on their vision and characterized by having a strong sense of commitment. 

In order to do so, the authors share through an anecdote, how as his conductor (orchestra leader) role, he decided to stand at different points of his orchestra in order to listen the music from different angles of the scenario. This decision allowed him to identify some improvement areas that he haven't perceived before. Even that most of us aren't working on an orchestra, something that we can apply from this anecdote is the ability of listening from different perspectives.

Is important to notice that listening from different perspectives stands for the skill that allow the listener to feel and reflect the speaker words as his own words. This is also known as empathy and it enables a shared vision while it raise the team to the world of possibilities.

To keep this post concise, the second perspective (if you are not a team leader) is well described in another book that I've read and referenced in other blog post that I did: The leader who had no title

Have an amazing week!

If you want to read the book by yourself, try this link: You can also check other parts of this review at: This Link


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